Sesame Street


SeaWorld Parks & Resorts

Project Type

Theme Parks

Project Completion

In Progress

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Laughter and learning live at Sesame Street, and now Sesame Street lives at SeaWorld Orlando! Bring your family to the neighborhood your favorite furry friends call home. Take a stroll down Sesame Street and stop by the famous stoop at 123. Explore the inside of Hooper’s Store, then head for big fun at Big Bird’s Nest.

Nassal’s scope included the carved facades of the Sesame Street neighborhood, and scenic paint. Nassal also design built all of the facades trim and theming, props, and décor elements that were attached to the facades. In the interior retail shops and character meet and greets, Nassal continued the carved plaster facades on the interior of the building, along with custom millwork and scenic props. As the design-build fabricator, Nassal worked collaboratively with SeaWorld on their overall budget parameters to maximize what got built and delivered the maximum guest experience. Nassal was able to complete the project on budget and ahead of schedule.